皇冠体育——(皇冠体育官网商业资讯)——CLEVELAND- cliffs Inc.(纽约证券交易所代码:CLF)今天公布了截至2023年9月30日的第三季度业绩。
- 收入56亿美元
- 钢材净发货量为410万吨,其中包括创纪录的汽车发货量
- 净收入2.75亿美元
- 应归属于Cliffs股东的摊薄后每股收益为0.52美元
- 调整后EBITDA1为6.14亿美元
- 经营现金流7.67亿美元
- 自由现金流6.05亿美元
- 净债务减少到34亿美元
- 流动资金达到创纪录的44亿美元
cliff董事长、总裁兼首席执行官Lourenco Goncalves表示:“2023年第三季度是我们连续第三个季度钢铁出货量超过400万吨。我们在本季度产生了超过6亿美元的自由现金流,正如我们之前宣布的那样,我们继续利用这一强劲的现金流来偿还债务和回购股票。由此,我们的净债务和稀释后的股票数量达到了自我们从一家商业矿业公司全面转型为一家钢铁公司以来的新低。我们的流动性现在也处于历史最高水平。”
截至九月三十日的三个月; |
截至九月三十日的九个月 |
三个月结束 |
2023 |
2022 |
2023 |
2022 |
2023年6月30日 |
外部销售量 |
钢材(净吨) |
4106年 |
3635年 |
12393年 |
10913年 |
4202年 |
销售价格-每净吨 |
每吨钢材的平均净售价 |
$ |
1203年 |
$ |
1360年 |
$ |
1196年 |
$ |
1431年 |
$ |
1255年 |
经营业绩-以百万计 |
收入 |
$ |
5443年 |
$ |
5511年 |
$ |
16377年 |
$ |
17481年 |
$ |
5808年 |
销货成本 |
(4970 |
) |
(5167 |
) |
(15181 |
) |
(14948 |
) |
(5179 |
) |
毛利率 |
$ |
473 |
$ |
344 |
$ |
1196年 |
$ |
2533年 |
$ |
629 |
This release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. All statements other than historical facts, including, without limitation, statements regarding our current expectations, estimates and projections about our industry or our businesses, are forward-looking statements. We caution investors that any forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results and future trends to differ materially from those matters expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Among the risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those described in forward-looking statements are the following: continued volatility of steel, iron ore and scrap metal market prices, which directly and indirectly impact the prices of the products that we sell to our customers; uncertainties associated with the highly competitive and cyclical steel industry and our reliance on the demand for steel from the automotive industry, which has been experiencing supply chain disruptions, such as the semiconductor shortage, the UAW strike, and higher consumer interest rates, which could result in lower steel volumes being demanded; potential weaknesses and uncertainties in global economic conditions, excess global steelmaking capacity, oversupply of iron ore, prevalence of steel imports and reduced market demand, including as a result of inflationary pressures, infectious disease outbreaks, conflicts or otherwise; severe financial hardship, bankruptcy, temporary or permanent shutdowns or operational challenges of one or more of our major customers, including customers in the automotive market, key suppliers or contractors, which, among other adverse effects, could disrupt our operations or lead to reduced demand for our products, increased difficulty collecting receivables, and customers and/or suppliers asserting force majeure or other reasons for not performing their contractual obligations to us; disruptions to our operations relating to an infectious disease outbreak, including workforce challenges and the risk that novel variants will prove resistant to existing vaccines or that new or continuing lockdowns in China will impact our ability to source certain critical supplies in a timely and predictable manner; risks related to U.S. government actions with respect to Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 (as amended by the Trade Act of 1974), the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and/or other trade agreements, tariffs, treaties or policies, as well as the uncertainty of obtaining and maintaining effective antidumping and countervailing duty orders to counteract the harmful effects of unfairly traded imports; impacts of existing and increasing governmental regulation, including potential environmental regulations relating to climate change and carbon emissions, and related costs and liabilities, including failure to receive or maintain required operating and environmental permits, approvals, modifications or other authorizations of, or from, any governmental or regulatory authority and costs related to implementing improvements to ensure compliance with regulatory changes, including potential financial assurance requirements, and reclamation and remediation obligations; potential impacts to the environment or exposure to hazardous substances resulting from our operations; our ability to maintain adequate liquidity, our level of indebtedness and the availability of capital could limit our financial flexibility and cash flow necessary to fund working capital, planned capital expenditures, acquisitions, and other general corporate purposes or ongoing needs of our business; our ability to reduce our indebtedness or return capital to shareholders within the currently expected timeframes or at all; adverse changes in credit ratings, interest rates, foreign currency rates and tax laws, including adverse impacts as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022; the outcome of, and costs incurred in connection with, lawsuits, claims, arbitrations or governmental proceedings relating to commercial and business disputes, antitrust claims, environmental matters, government investigations, occupational or personal injury claims, property-related matters, labor and employment matters, or suits involving legacy operations and other matters; uncertain availability or cost, due to inflation or otherwise, of critical manufacturing equipment and spare parts; supply chain disruptions or changes in the cost, quality or availability of energy sources, including electricity, natural gas and diesel fuel, or critical raw materials and supplies, including iron ore, industrial gases, graphite electrodes, scrap metal, chrome, zinc, coke and metallurgical coal; problems or disruptions associated with transporting products to our customers, moving manufacturing inputs or products internally among our facilities, or suppliers transporting raw materials to us; the risk that the cost or time to implement a strategic or sustaining capital project may prove to be greater than originally anticipated; our ability to consummate any public or private acquisition transactions and to realize any or all of the anticipated benefits or estimated future synergies, as well as to successfully integrate any acquired businesses into our existing businesses; uncertainties associated with natural or human-caused disasters, adverse weather conditions, unanticipated geological conditions, critical equipment failures, infectious disease outbreaks, tailings dam failures and other unexpected events; cybersecurity incidents relating to, disruptions in, or failures of, information technology systems that are managed by us or third parties that host or have access to our data or systems, including the loss, theft or corruption of sensitive or essential business or personal information and the inability to access or control systems; liabilities and costs arising in connection with any business decisions to temporarily or indefinitely idle or permanently close an operating facility or mine, which could adversely impact the carrying value of associated assets and give rise to impairment charges or closure and reclamation obligations, as well as uncertainties associated with restarting any previously idled operating facility or mine; our level of self-insurance and our ability to obtain sufficient third-party insurance to adequately cover potential adverse events and business risks; uncertainties associated with our ability to meet customers' and suppliers' decarbonization goals and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with our own announced targets; challenges to maintaining our social license to operate with our stakeholders, including the impacts of our operations on local communities, reputational impacts of operating in a carbon-intensive industry that produces greenhouse gas emissions, and our ability to foster a consistent operational and safety track record; our actual economic mineral reserves or reductions in current mineral reserve estimates, and any title defect or loss of any lease, license, easement or other possessory interest for any mining property; our ability to maintain satisfactory labor relations with unions and employees; unanticipated or higher costs associated with pension and other post-employment benefit obligations resulting from changes in the value of plan assets or contribution increases required for unfunded obligations; uncertain availability or cost of skilled workers to fill critical operational positions and potential labor shortages caused by experienced employee attrition or otherwise, as well as our ability to attract, hire, develop and retain key personnel; the amount and timing of any repurchases of our common shares; and potential significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting.
未经审计的精简合并业务报表 |
截至九月三十日的三个月; |
截至九月三十日的九个月 |
三个月结束 |
(以百万计,每股金额除外) |
2023 |
2022 |
2023 |
2022 |
2023年6月30日 |
收入 |
$ |
5605年 |
$ |
5653年 |
$ |
16884年 |
$ |
17945年 |
$ |
5984年 |
运营成本: |
销货成本 |
(5125 |
) |
(5305 |
) |
(15661 |
) |
(15367 |
) |
(5340 |
) |
销售、一般和行政费用 |
(144 |
) |
(124 |
) |
(420 |
) |
(353 |
) |
(149 |
) |
杂项-网络 |
(11 |
) |
(37 |
) |
(26 |
) |
(104 |
) |
(12 |
) |
总运营成本 |
(5280 |
) |
(5466 |
) |
(16107 |
) |
(15824 |
) |
(5501 |
) |
营业收入 |
325 |
187 |
777 |
2121年 |
483 |
其他收入(费用): |
利息支出净额 |
(70 |
) |
(64 |
) |
(226 |
) |
(205 |
) |
(79 |
) |
清偿债务的收益(损失) |
- - - - - - |
4 |
- - - - - - |
(76 |
) |
— |
除服务费用部分外的定期福利贷记净额 |
50 |
49 |
150 |
148 |
50 |
其他营业外收入(费用) |
(2 |
) |
(1 |
) |
4 |
(6 |
) |
4 |
其他费用合计 |
(22 |
) |
(12 |
) |
(72 |
) |
(139 |
) |
(25 |
) |
所得税前持续经营所得 |
303 |
175 |
705 |
1982年 |
458 |
所得税费用 |
(29 |
) |
(10 |
) |
(118 |
) |
(404 |
) |
(102 |
) |
持续经营收入 |
274 |
165 |
587 |
1578年 |
356 |
停止经营所得,扣除税款 |
1 |
— |
2 |
2 |
— |
净收益 |
275 |
165 |
589 |
1580年 |
356 |
归属于非控制权益的收入 |
(11 |
) |
(13 |
) |
(35 |
) |
(31 |
) |
(9 |
) |
归属于Cliffs股东的净收入 |
$ |
264 |
$ |
152 |
$ |
554 |
$ |
1549年 |
$ |
347 |
应归属于皇冠体育斯股东的普通股每股收益-基本 |
持续经营 |
$ |
0.52 |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
1.08 |
$ |
2.98 |
$ |
0.68 |
已停止经营 |
- - - - - - |
— |
- - - - - - |
— |
— |
$ |
0.52 |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
1.08 |
$ |
2.98 |
$ |
0.68 |
归属于Cliffs股东的普通股每股收益-摊薄 |
持续经营 |
$ |
0.52 |
$ |
0.29 |
$ |
1.08 |
$ |
2.95 |
$ |
0.67 |
已停止经营 |
- - - - - - |
— |
- - - - - - |
— |
— |
$ |
0.52 |
$ |
0.29 |
$ |
1.08 |
$ |
2.95 |
$ |
0.67 |
未经审计的简明合并财务状况报表 |
(百万) |
2023年9月30日 |
2022年12月31日 |
资产 |
流动资产: |
现金及现金等价物 |
$ |
31 |
$ |
26 |
应收帐款净额 |
2122年 |
1960年 |
库存 |
4592年 |
5130年 |
其他流动资产 |
196 |
306 |
流动资产总额 |
6941年 |
7422年 |
非流动资产: |
物业、厂房及设备、净 |
8837年 |
9070年 |
善意 |
1130年 |
1130年 |
养老金和OPEB,资产 |
392 |
356 |
其他非流动资产 |
759 |
777 |
总资产 |
$ |
18059年 |
$ |
18755年 |
负债 |
流动负债: |
应付账款 |
$ |
2076年 |
$ |
2186年 |
应计雇佣成本 |
467 |
429 |
应计费用 |
263 |
383 |
其他流动负债 |
488 |
551 |
流动负债总额 |
3294年 |
3549年 |
非流动负债: |
长期债务 |
3458年 |
4249年 |
养老金负债,非流动负债 |
456 |
473 |
OPEB负债,非流动负债 |
563 |
585 |
递延所得税 |
662 |
590 |
其他非流动负债 |
1362年 |
1267年 |
总负债 |
9795年 |
10713年 |
总股本 |
8264年 |
8042年 |
负债及权益合计 |
$ |
18059年 |
$ |
18755年 |
未经审计的合并现金流量表 |
截至九月三十日的三个月; |
截至九月三十日的九个月 |
(百万) |
2023 |
2022 |
2023 |
2022 |
经营活动 |
净收益 |
$ |
275 |
$ |
165 |
$ |
589 |
$ |
1580年 |
使净收入与经营活动提供的净现金相协调的调整: |
折旧、损耗和摊销 |
249 |
237 |
738 |
788 |
递延所得税 |
116 |
59 |
132 |
210 |
养老金和OPEB信贷 |
(40 |
) |
(27 |
) |
(119 |
) |
(81 |
) |
清偿债务的损失(收益) |
- - - - - - |
(4 |
) |
- - - - - - |
76 |
长期资产减值 |
- - - - - - |
— |
- - - - - - |
29 |
其他 |
47 |
20 |
121 |
75 |
经营资产负债变动情况: |
应收帐款净额 |
169 |
271 |
(164 |
) |
(145 |
) |
库存 |
135 |
246 |
538 |
(348 |
) |
所得税 |
(153 |
) |
(54 |
) |
16 |
(109 |
) |
养恤金和OPEB付款和缴款 |
(26 |
) |
(60 |
) |
(84 |
) |
(174 |
) |
应付款项、应计雇员及应计费用 |
(17 |
) |
(304 |
) |
(95 |
) |
66 |
其他,净 |
12 |
(13 |
) |
(57 |
) |
(33 |
) |
经营活动提供的现金净额 |
767 |
536 |
1615年 |
1934年 |
投资活动 |
购置物业、厂房及设备 |
(162 |
) |
(248 |
) |
(481 |
) |
(716 |
) |
收购FPT,所得现金净额 |
- - - - - - |
(22 |
) |
- - - - - - |
(31 |
) |
其他投资活动 |
2 |
10 |
11 |
20 |
用于投资活动的现金净额 |
(160 |
) |
(260 |
) |
(470 |
) |
(727 |
) |
融资活动 |
回购普通股 |
(58 |
) |
(34 |
) |
(152 |
) |
(210 |
) |
发行优先票据所得款项 |
- - - - - - |
— |
750 |
— |
优先票据的偿还 |
- - - - - - |
(36 |
) |
- - - - - - |
(1355 |
) |
信贷安排下的借款 |
325 |
1390年 |
3004年 |
4650年 |
信贷安排下的还款 |
(833 |
) |
(1545 |
) |
(4543 |
) |
(4169 |
) |
债务发行成本 |
- - - - - - |
— |
(34 |
) |
— |
其他融资活动 |
(44 |
) |
(42 |
) |
(165 |
) |
(115 |
) |
用于融资活动的现金净额 |
(610 |
) |
(267 |
) |
(1140 |
) |
(1199 |
) |
现金及现金等价物净增(减)额 |
(3 |
) |
9 |
5 |
8 |
期初现金及现金等价物 |
34 |
47 |
26 |
48 |
期末现金及现金等价物 |
$ |
31 |
$ |
56 |
$ |
31 |
$ |
56 |
皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯公司和子公司 |
非公认会计准则调节- ebitda和调整后的ebitda |
除了按照皇冠体育官网公认会计准则提交的合并财务报表外,公司还在合并的基础上提交了EBITDA和调整后EBITDA。EBITDA和调整后EBITDA是管理层在评估经营业绩时使用的非公认会计准则财务指标。这些指标的表述不应被视为与按照皇冠体育官网公认会计准则编制和表述的财务信息分离、替代或优于。这些指标的表述可能与其他公司使用的非公认会计准则财务指标不同。下表提供了这些合并措施与其最直接可比的GAAP措施的对账。 |
截至九月三十日的三个月; |
截至九月三十日的九个月 |
三个月结束 |
(百万) |
2023 |
2022 |
2023 |
2022 |
2023年6月30日 |
净收益 |
$ |
275 |
$ |
165 |
$ |
589 |
$ |
1580年 |
$ |
356 |
少: |
利息支出净额 |
(70 |
) |
(64 |
) |
(226 |
) |
(205 |
) |
(79 |
) |
所得税费用 |
(29 |
) |
(10 |
) |
(118 |
) |
(404 |
) |
(102 |
) |
折旧、损耗和摊销 |
(249 |
) |
(237 |
) |
(738 |
) |
(788 |
) |
(247 |
) |
息税前利润总额 |
$ |
623 |
$ |
476 |
$ |
1671年 |
$ |
2977年 |
$ |
784 |
少: |
非控制性权益的EBITDA |
$ |
20. |
$ |
22 |
$ |
60 |
$ |
57 |
$ |
17 |
清偿债务的收益(损失) |
- - - - - - |
4 |
- - - - - - |
(76 |
) |
— |
资产减值 |
- - - - - - |
— |
- - - - - - |
(29 |
) |
— |
其他,净 |
(11 |
) |
(13 |
) |
(21 |
) |
(21 |
) |
(8 |
) |
调整后EBITDA总额 |
$ |
614 |
$ |
463 |
$ |
1632年 |
$ |
3046年 |
$ |
775 |
非控制性权益的EBITDA包括: |
归属于非控制性权益的净收入 |
$ |
11 |
$ |
13 |
$ |
35 |
$ |
31 |
$ |
9 |
折旧、损耗和摊销 |
9 |
9 |
25 |
26 |
8 |
非控制性权益的EBITDA |
$ |
20. |
$ |
22 |
$ |
60 |
$ |
57 |
$ |
17 |
皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯公司和子公司 |
非公认会计准则调节-自由现金流 |
自由现金流是一种非公认会计准则财务指标,定义为经营活动提供的净现金减去购买财产,工厂和设备。管理层认为,这是评估可用于偿还债务、战略举措或其他财务活动的现金产生的重要措施。下表提供了经营活动提供的净现金与自由现金流量的核对表。 |
截至九月三十日的三个月; |
截至九月三十日的九个月 |
(百万) |
2023 |
2022 |
2023 |
2022 |
经营活动提供的现金净额 |
$ |
767 |
$ |
536 |
$ |
1615年 |
$ |
1934年 |
购置物业、厂房及设备 |
(162 |
) |
(248 |
) |
(481 |
) |
(716 |
) |
自由现金流 |
$ |
605 |
$ |
288 |
$ |
1134年 |
$ |
1218年 |
皇冠体育-皇冠体育斯公司和子公司 |
非公认会计准则调节-净债务 |
净债务是管理层在评估财务状况时使用的非公认会计准则财务指标。净债务定义为长期债务减去现金和现金等价物。管理层认为,由于手头现金和现金等价物的数量,净债务是衡量公司财务状况的重要指标。本指标的表述不应与按照皇冠体育官网公认会计准则编制和表述的财务信息分离、替代或优于。本指标的表述可能与其他公司使用的非公认会计准则财务指标不同。该指标与其最直接可比的GAAP指标的对账如下表所示: |
(百万) |
2023年9月30日 |
2023年6月30日 |
2022年12月31日 |
长期债务 |
$ |
3458年 |
$ |
3963年 |
$ |
4249年 |
减:现金和现金等价物 |
31 |
34 |
26 |
净债务 |
$ |
3427年 |
$ |
3929年 |
$ |
4223年 |
媒体联系人:Patricia Persico高级主管,企业传播(216)694-5316
投资者联系人:James Kerr投资者关系经理(216)694-7719
资料来源:Cleveland-Cliffs Inc。